5 Tips to Create Fantastic, High-Converting Landing Pages

A fantastic landing page is so important to growing your email list and business.

And, if you’re going to be running Facebook ads, your landing page can either cost or earn you a lot of money.

I see sooooo many landing pages that are just disasters. And people can’t understand why they’re not getting more signups for their lists.

Fortunately, many of these problems are easily fixed by a fantastic tool. I’ve included a recommendation + affiliate link in this post because I really believe that using this tool will take care of all 5 tips for you at once.

Let’s dive into the 5 tips and take your landing pages to the next level!

A fantastic landing page is so important to growing your email list and business. And, if you’re going to be running Facebook ads, your landing page can either cost or earn you a lot of money. Click through to read my top 5 tips for a fantastic, hig…

Tip #1: Hide the navigation. 

I’m talking about the links at the top of your page that probably say something like “Home”, “About”, “Services”, etc. You do NOT want those links on your landing page.

Why? Because you don’t want your potential new subscriber to get distracted and click into some other part of your website without signing up.

So, hide that navigation. If you’re not sure how, then keep reading because I’ve got a tool for you that makes everything easier.

Tip #2: NO pop ups!

Using FB ads to send users to a page with a pop up is actually against Facebook ad policy! It could get your account shut down!

There’s a time and a place for pop-ups (like on your blog), but your landing page is not that place.

I actually had a client book a coaching session with me to get feedback on her ads. And she had a pop up on her landing page. The pop up was installed on her entire site and she didn’t know how to take it down.

So, she signed up for LeadPages (more on that in a minute) and now she’s seriously growing her list!

Tip #3: Include a link to your privacy policy on your landing page.

This is another piece of great landing pages that is mandated by Facebook ad policy and just a general good business practice. You MUST have a link to your privacy policy on your landing page. Otherwise, you can get your ads disapproved and account shut down.

A privacy policy states what you’re going to do with people’s information that you collect through the landing page.

If you don’t have a privacy policy, you have to get one! Use your Google machine and find a template that you can fill in with your business information.

Tip #4: Keep it simple and clear.

I see a lot of entrepreneurs who create landing pages that read more like a long-form sales page than a page that is meant to have a visitor sign up for a freebie.

You don’t have to work that hard to sell a freebie.

The landing pages that I see working well are simple and get straight to the point.

If you’re running ads or sharing your landing page on social media, then remember that the people who visit the page are highly distracted.

Be clear. Make it really easy and obvious what people get when they sign up and where they should click to do it.

And please, for the love of goddess, use a font that’s easy to read! ;)

Tip #5: Know your conversion rate.

Conversion rate is the number of people who sign up divided by the number of people who visit the page. 

A decent landing page should get you at least a 25% conversion rate. Of course, it’s possible to do much better!

But if your landing page is converting under 25%, then you better do some testing and find a better page.

If you run ads to a low-converting landing page, you’re throwing away money! So, make some changes to your page and test different versions until you find a winning combination.

Ok, so those are my best practices for creating an awesome landing page.

If your head is starting to spin and you’re wondering how in the world you’re going to create a page with all of these elements, never fear!

I’ve got a recommendation.


This is a tool that already integrates ALL of these best practices for you! They have beautiful templates that you can customize to your colors and style.

The templates don’t have any navigation at the top so you don’t have to worry about hiding it. And there’s always a link to connect your privacy policy at the bottom of the page.

With LeadPages, it’s super easy to track your conversions and know exactly how well your page is doing. 

And they even have a super cool split testing feature to help you figure out which page is going to convert the best!

I went through a phase where I didn’t use LeadPages, I just built my landing pages on my main website. But I’ve come back to it because it’s just so easy to implement all 5 of these tips!

And the pages that I’ve created have converted SO well.

I just made a new one for my art business last month. So far 648 people have visited and 272 have signed up. That’s a 42% conversion rate! Woot!

So, if you’d like a free trial of LeadPages to see if it’s a good fit for your business, you can check it out here.

Once you get your landing page rocking, you’ll want to think about running Facebook ads to grow your list even faster! Grab a free copy of my List Building Ads Checklist below.

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